About Us

At first glance, Grasswire is a news website like any other. But it’s not. It’s much more than that.

We’re a community of over 1,200 people from all over the world who care about honest, accurate news. We source, verify, write and edit unbiased news stories that matter. Most of us aren’t journalists or writers or editors. Few of us have ever met in person.

And we do it in our spare time.

We all want accurate, factual and fast-moving coverage of current world events. So we do it ourselves.

We collaborate online in an open Slack channel where we pitch, source, verify, write and edit newsworthy, interesting and unbiased stories.

If you’re already a member, you’ll find the newsroom here.

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Join us in the newsroom?

Grasswire is an open newsroom. We collaborate online in an open Slack channel where we pitch, source, verify, write and edit stories.

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